Simple Guide Of VDN And QMIX

Value-Decomposition Network(VDN) QMIX Problem Setup And Assumption Constraint The QMIX imporve the VDN algorithm via give a more general form of the contraint. It defines the contraint like $$\frac{\partial Q_{tot}}{\partial Q_{a}} \geq 0, \forall a$$ where $Q_{tot}$ is the joint value function and $Q_{a}$ is the value function for each agent. An intuitive eplaination is that we want the weights of any individual value function $Q_{a}$ are positive. If the weights of individual value function $Q_{a}$ are negative, it will discourage the agent to cooperate, since the higher $Q_{a}$, the lower joint value $Q_{tot}$....

February 26, 2021 · 2 min · SY Chou