Gaussian Process
Big Picture and Background
Intuitively, Gaussian distribution define the state space, while Gaussian Process define the function space
Before we introduce Gaussian process, we should understand Gaussian distriution at first. For a RV(random variable) $X$ that follow Gaussian Distribution $\mathcal{N}(0, 1)$ should be following image:
The P.D.F should be
$$x \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2 \pi}} e^{- \frac{1}{2} (\frac{- \mu}{\sigma})^2}$$
As for Multivariate Gaussian Distribution, given 2 RV $x$, $y$ both 2 RV follow Gaussian Distribution $\mathcal{N}(0, 1)$ we can illustrate it as
The P.D.F should be
For a set of random variables $X = (x_1, …, x_k)$ that follow Gaussian distribution
$$(x_1, …, x_k) \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, \Sigma) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{(2 \pi)^k |\Sigma|}} e^{- \frac{1}{2} (X- \mu)^{\top} \Sigma^{-1} (X- \mu)}$$
where $\mu$ is the mean and $\Sigma$ is the covariance matrix.
The Gaussian process can be regarded as a function space, for example, given a function $f(x)$ The Gaussian process can be illustrated as following:
The blue solid line represent the mean of the Gaussian process and the shaded blue area represent the standard deviation(which means the uncertainty of the RV) for the corresponding RV. For example, while $x=-4$, the function $f(4) = \mathcal{N}(0, 2)$. That means the Gaussian process gives a Gaussian distribution $\mathcal{N}(0, 2)$ to describe the possible value of $f(-4)$. The most likely value of $f(-4)$ is 0 (which is the mean of the distribution). As the figure shows, the Gaussian process is quite simple that the mean function is a constant 0 and the standard deviation is 2.
The dotted line are the functions sampled from the Gaussian process. Each line gives a mapping function from $x$ to $f(x)$.
Note that the explaination above is from the point of view of function approximation. From the perspective of random process, the Gaussian process can be regarded as a time-variant system that the distribution is changing along the time.
After understanding the priori, we can see the posteriori of Gaussian Process.
In the above figure, we estimate 5 points and re-draw the plot. The uncertainty of the estimated points become very small since we now have actual values of them via estimations.
In the view of 3D of the same posteriori, the Z axis means the probability. It illustrates the Gaussian process as a series of varying Gaussian distributions along the different values of $x$.
The above figure can be generated by this notebook. Specically thanks Martin Krasser. My notebook code is based on it.
A Gaussian process is a time continuous stochastic process ${x_t; t \in T}$ is Gaussian if and only if for every finite set of indices $t_1, …, t_k$ in the index set $T$, $x_{t1},…x_{tk} = (x_{t1}, …, x_{tk})$ is a multivariate Gaussian random variable.
For example, any point $x_1, … x_N \in X, X \in \mathbb{R}^d$(Real Number with dimension $d$) is assigned a random variable $f(x)$ and where the joint distribution of a finite number of these variables $p(f(x_1),…,f(x_N))$ is itself Gaussian:
$$p(f|X) = \mathcal{N}(f|\mu, K)$$
where $\mu$ is a vector which consists of mean function and $K$ is a covariance matrix which consists of covariance function or kernel function $\kappa$. The set of mean function $\mu = (m(x_1),…,m(x_N))$ give the mean value over set $X$. The set of kernel function is $K={K_{ij} = \kappa(x_i,x_j)) where x_i, x_j \in X}$ which define the correlaton between 2 values $x_i$ and $x_j$.
Note that a data point $x_i$ or $x_j$ might be multi-dimensions. The kernel functions may defined on the vectors as well.
To understand the kernel function intuitively, the kernel function can be regarded as a kind of distance metric which give the distance in another space. For example, the kernel $k(x_i, x_j) = {x_i}^2 + {x_j}^2$ map the Cartesian coordinate to polar coordinate and convert the Euclidean distance into radius.
Some common kernels are:
Constant Kernel:
$K_C(x_i, x_j) = C$
RBF Kernel:
$K_{RBF}(x_i, x_j) = e^{-\frac{|| x_i - x_j ||^2}{2 \sigma^2}}$
Periodic Kernel
Suitable for periodic relation
$K_{P}(x_i, x_j) = e^{-\frac{2 \sin^2 (\frac{d}{2})}{\ell^2}}$
Polynomial Kernel
$K_{Poly}(x_i, x_j) = ( x_i^{\top}x_j+ c)^d$
Neural Network Kernel
Model the neural network as GP, aka neural network Gaussian Process(NNGP). Intuitively, the kernel of NNGP compute the distance between the output vectors of 2 input data points.
We define the following functions as neural networks with fully-conntected layers:
$$z_{i}^{1}(x) = b_i^{1} + \sum_{j=1}^{N_1} \ W_{ij}^{1}x_j^1(x), \ \ x_{j}^{1}(x) = \phi(b_i^{0} + \sum_{k=1}^{d_{in}} \ W_{ik}^{0}x_k(x))$$
where $b_i^{1}$ is the $i$th-bias of the second layer(the same as first hidden layer), $W_{ij}^{1}$ is the $i$th-weights of the first layer(the same as input layer) , function $\phi$ is the activation function, and $x$ is the input data of the neural network. As a result,
Thus, the kernel of $l$-th layer is
$$K_{NN}^l(x, x’) = \sigma_b^2 + \sigma_w^2 E_{z_i^{l-1} \sim GP(0, K^{l-1})}[\phi(z_i^{l-1}(x)) \phi(z_i^{l-1}(x’))]$$
For more detail, please refer to this slide and the paper Deep Neural Networks as Gaussian Processes.
For more detail, please refer to A Visual Exploration of Gaussian Processes. You can play with interactive widgets on the website.
Given a training dataset with noise-free function values $f$ at inputs $X$, a GP prior can be converted into a GP posterior $p(f^{\ast}|X^{\ast},X,f)$ which can then be used to make predictions $f^{\ast}$ at new inputs $X^{\ast}$ By definition of a GP, the joint distribution of observed values $f$ and predictions $f^{\ast}$ is again a Gaussian which can be partitioned into
$$ \begin{pmatrix} f\newline f^{\ast} \end{pmatrix} \sim \mathcal{N} \begin{pmatrix} 0, \begin{pmatrix} K & K^{\ast}\newline K^{\ast \top} & K^{\ast \ast} \end{pmatrix} \end{pmatrix}$$
where $K^{\ast} = \kappa(X,X^{\ast})$ and $K^{\ast \ast} = \kappa(X^{\ast},X^{\ast})$. With $N$ training data and $N^{\ast}$ new input data $K$ is a $N×N$ matrix , $K^{\ast}$ a $N×N^{\ast}$ matrix and $K^{\ast \ast}$ a $N^{\ast}×N^{\ast}$ matrix.
We’ve known conditional distribution rules.
As a result, the predictive Gaussian Distribution is
$$p(f^{\ast} | X^{\ast},X,f) = \mathcal{N}(f^{\ast} | \mu^{\ast}, \Sigma^{\ast})$$
$$\mu^{\ast} = K^{\ast \top} K^{-1} f$$
$$\Sigma^{\ast} = K^{\ast \ast} - K^{\ast \top} K^{-1} K^{\ast}$$
However, the above equations don’t consider the effect of noise. Suppose we need to evalutate a noisy model $y=f+\epsilon$ where $\epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma_y^2 I)$ is the noise. The noise follows normal distribution and has a covariance matrix $\sigma_y^2 I$. Thus, the predictive distribution is
$$p(f^{\ast} | X^{\ast},X,y) = \mathcal{N}(f^{\ast} | \mu^{\ast}, \Sigma^{\ast})$$
$$\mu^{\ast} = K^{\ast \top} K_{y}^{-1} y$$
$$\Sigma^{\ast} = K^{\ast \ast} - K^{\ast \top} K_{y}^{-1} K^{\ast}$$
where $K_{y}^{-1} = K + \sigma_y^2 I$(linearilty of Gaussian distribution). Finally, we also want to replace the noise-free prediction $f^{\ast}$ with noisy prediction $y^{\ast}$. We can derive
$$p(y^{\ast} | X^{\ast},X,y) = \mathcal{N}(y^{\ast} | \mu^{\ast}, \Sigma^{\ast} + \sigma_y^2 I)$$
Finally, we get the probability of noisy prediction $y^{\ast}$ which conditions on noisy training dataset $X,y$ and test dataset $X^{\ast}$.
Bayesian Optimization
In many machine learning or optimization problem, we need to optimize an unkown object function $f$. One of the solutions to optimize function $f$ is Bayesian Optimization. Bayesian Optimization assume the object function $f$ follows a distribution or prior model. This prior model is called surrogate model. We sample from the object function $f$ and approximate the function $f$ with surrogate model. The extra information like uncertainty provided from surrogate model contribute to the sample-efficiency of Bayesian optimization. In the mean time, we also use the acquisition function to choose the next sampling point.
Formaly, suppose we have a block-box function $f : X \to R$ that we with to minimize on some domain $x \subseteq X$ . That is, the Bayesian optimization wish to find
$$\begin{equation} x^{\ast} = \mathop{\arg\min}_{x \in X} \ \ f(x) \end{equation}$$
If we use Gaussian Process as prior(Surrogate Model), we can get
$$p(f) = GP(f; \mu, K)$$
Given observations $D = (x,f)$, we can condition our distribution on $D$ as usual
$$p(f | D) = GP(f; \mu_{f|D}, K_{f|D})$$
Surrogate Model
A popular model is Gaussian Process. Gaussian process defines a prior over functions and provides a flexiable, powerful and, smooth model which is especially suitable for dynamic models.
The Bayesian optimization procedure is as follows.
For index $t=1,2,…$ and an acquisition function $a(x|D)$
- Find the next sampling point $x_t$ by optimizing the acquisition function over the surrogate model:
Or$x_t = \mathop{\arg\max}_{x \in X} \ a(x|D_{1:t−1})$
Depends on the definition of acquisition function $a(x|D_{1:t−1})$$x_t = \mathop{\arg\min}_{x \in X} \ a(x|D_{1:t−1})$
- Obtain a possibly noisy sample $y_t=f(x_t)+\epsilon_t$ from the objective function $f$.
- Add the sample to previous samples $D_{1:t}=D_{1:t−1},(x_t,y_t)$ and update the surrogate model.
Probability improvement(PI) Method
A naive idea is always evaluating the points with lowest value and then we can obtain a better result in every iteration. The PI method do the same thing exactly. However, the Gaussian Process gives a distribution of $f(x)$ on point $x$. As a result, in practice, we give an threshold $f’$, integrate the probability of $x < f’$ and, pick the point with highest probability. That is, PI always choose the point having largest probability of $x < f’$.
Formaly, we can define an utility function $u(x)$
$$u(x) = \begin{cases} 0, \ \ f(x) > f’\newline 1, \ \ f(x) \leq f' \end{cases}$$
Then, integrate the probability of $f(x) \leq f'$
$$ a_{PI}(x|D) = E[u(x) | x, D] = \int_{-\infty}^{f’} \mathcal{N}(f; \mu(x), \kappa(x, x)) \ df =\phi(f’; \mu(x), \kappa(x, x)) $$
Finally, we choose next evaluating point $x_t$ with highest probability $a_{PI}(x|D_{1:t−1})$
$\begin{equation} x_t = \mathop{\arg\max}_{x \in X} \ \ a_{PI}(x|D_{1:t−1}) \end{equation}$
Expected improvement(EI) Method
PI algorithm is easy to understand. However, PI might get stuck in local optimal and underexplore globally. A better way is that we evaluates $f$ at the point that, in expectation, improves upon $f’$ the most. That is the idea of EI algorithm.
Formaly, we suppose that $f’$ is the minimal value of $f$ observed so far. We can define an utility function as following:
$$u(x) = \mathop{\max} (0, f’ − f(x))$$
The ultility function can be regarded as the advanrage $f’ - f(x)$ versus the current optimal $f’$. Then, we can derive the expectation via integration
$$ a_{EI}(x|D) = E[u(x) | x, D] = \int_{-\infty}^{f’} (f’ - f) \mathcal{N}(f; \mu(x), \kappa(x, x)) \ df $$
$$ =(f’ - \mu(x))\phi(f’; \mu(x), \kappa(x, x)) + \kappa(x, x) \mathcal{N}(f’; \mu(x), \kappa(x, x)) $$
We always choose the next evaluating point $x_t$ which has highest $a_{EI}(x|D_{1:t−1})$, thus
$\begin{equation} x_t = \mathop{\arg\max}_{x \in X} \ \ a_{EI}(x|D_{1:t−1}) \end{equation}$
Intuitively, the term $(f’ - \mu(x))\phi(f’; \mu(x), \kappa(x, x))$ can be seen as exploitation(it encourage to evaluate the point with higher advantage, lower $\mu(x)$), since it means how much advantage does point $x$ has. The term $\kappa(x, x) \mathcal{N}(f’; \mu(x), \kappa(x, x))$ represents how much uncertainty does point $x$ has, so it can be viewed as exploration(it encourage to evaluate the point with higher uncertainty, higher $\kappa(x, x)$). EI algorithm can trade off the exploration and exploitation automatically and also the most popular algorithm of Bayesian Optimization.
Bayesian Upper Confident Bound(Bayesian UCB, aka GP-UCB) Method
Before diving to Bayesian UCB method, please understand the multi-armed bandit problem and UCB first.
Bayesian UCB inherents UCB. They both give a relation between upper bound and probability confidence. The different thing is UCB finds the relation with Hoeffding’s Inequality while Bayesian UCB find the relation with Gaussian distribution itself.
For example, it is common that we know if we sample values from Gaussian distribution, 95% of them are between the mean plus 2 standard deviation and mean subtract 2 standard deviation.
Formally, we define the acquisition function as following
$$ a_{UCB}(x|D; \beta) = \mu(x) - \beta \sigma(x) $$
where $\beta > 0$ is a tradeoff parameter and $\sigma(x) = \sqrt{\kappa(x, x)}$ is the marginal standard deviation of $f(x)$.
According the acquisition function, we always choose the next best evaluating point $x_t$
$\begin{equation} x_t = \mathop{\arg\min}_{x \in X} \ \ a_{UCB}(x|D_{1:t−1}; \beta) \end{equation}$
Again, the GP-UCB acquisition function contains explicit exploitation ($\mu(x)$) and exploration ($\sigma(x)$) terms. Nonetheless, strong theoretical results are known for GP-UCB, namely, that under certain conditions, the iterative application of this acquisition function will converge to the true global minimum of $f$.
Entropy Search
Since we’ve known the goal of the optimization problem is
$$\begin{equation} x^{\ast} = \mathop{\arg\min}_{x \in X} \ \ f(x) \end{equation}$$
where $x^{\ast}$ is the global optimal over the black-box function $f$. The entropy search aims to minimizing the entropy of $p(x^{\ast} | D)$. That is, minimize the uncerntainty of $x^{\ast}$ over the known data set $D$. We can define an utility function as following
$$u(x) = H[x^{\ast} | D] - H[x^{\ast} | D, x, f(x)]$$
where $H$ represent the Shannon entropy of the corresponding data point. The $u(x)$ means how much uncertinty of $p(x^{\ast} | D)$ does the evaluation reduce after the data point $x$ is evaluated. In most of the time, the entropy(uncertainty) of $p(x^{\ast} | D)$ should decrease after we evaluate more data points, so $u(x)$ should be positive in general. Thus, the acquisition function should be
$$a_{ES}(x|D) = E[u(x) | x, D]$$
However, we know $u(x)$ cannot be computed directly since it doesn’t have close form. There are a series of approximations trying to do it but I will ignore thme in this blog. Finally, we can choose the next evaluation point $x_t$ as following
$\begin{equation} x_t = \mathop{\arg\max}_{x \in X} \ \ a_{ES}(x|D_{1:t−1}; \beta) \end{equation}$
This article is mainly based on
Gaussian Process
Gaussian processes by Martin Krasser
Provide Python code to inference data with GP.
(ML 19.1) Gaussian processes - definition and first examples
Made by mathematicalmonk. Give an intuitive explaination of Gaussian processes.
A Visual Exploration of Gaussian Processes
Provide a lot of interactive widgets to play around with Gausssian Process but fewer math.
Another video providing a detailed explaination of Gaussian Process.
ML Tutorial: Gaussian Processes (Richard Turner)
Another video providing a detailed explaination of Gaussian Process.
UBC CS - Machine learning - Introduction to Gaussian processes
UBC CS - Machine learning - Gaussian processes
Another video providing a detailed explaination of Gaussian Process.
Conditional Gaussian Distribution
- (PP 6.9) Conditional distributions of a Gaussian
- StackExchange - Deriving the conditional distributions of a multivariate normal distribution
Bayesian Optimization
- Bayesian optimization by Martin Krasser
- UAI 2018 2. Bayesian Optimization
- Washington University CSE515 - Bayesian Optimization
Kalman Filter
Bzarg: How a Kalman filter works, in pictures
Intuitively explain Kalman Filter with picture & examples.
Intuitively explain Kalman Filter with picture & examples. The article is translated from Bzarg: How a Kalman filter works.